Memorial Day weekend we went to Au Gres to spend the weekend on the boat. It was nice weekend. It was kind of windy on Saturday, so we decided to drive over to Tawas. We walked around downtown, played at the playground, and enjoyed lunch at Mulligan's. We returned to Au Gres and grilled dinner with Uncle Abe & Aunt Shirley. On Sunday, we woke up and it was beautiful, so we got cleaned up and hopped on Abe & Shirley's boat and went to Caseville. Cassidy isn't too sure of riding on the boat. I think she is a little scared of the noise. Cailin on the other hand just falls asleep as soon as we start moving. Anyway...we went to Caseville and walked around downtown, had lunch at Guiseppe's, and shopped a bit. It was a beautiful day. Then we headed back to Au Gres. We took our time getting back enjoying the view of the Charity Islands. When we got back we got the kids cleaned up and headed out to dinner at the Rainbow. We had a great dinner, enjoyed some ice cream when we got back to the boat, and got the kiddies to bed. On Monday, we packed up our stuff and headed home. Then we went to Lucas' parents house to enjoy and lovely BBQ. I am glad the weather was nice for our long weekend.
We have been enjoying some intermittently nice weather since Memorial Day. The temps have been okay, but we have been getting off and on rain. When it has been nice the girls and I have been going outside, playing at the park, and enjoying the warm weather. Cassidy walked the entire length of the Heritage Park Riverwalk (~1 mile). We enjoyed looking for ducklings, rocks, and flowers.
Cassidy is talking much more. She consistently says more, please, mama, dada, sis, Peyton, Sadie, help, and up. She loves to watch for motorcycles and calls them mo-mo's. Cassidy is into everything and tries very hard to be helpful. Lately, she likes to Swiffer the floor for me. Unfortunately, potty training isn't really going...she still doesn't quite understand the feeling right before she has to go potty. She knows when she has a dirty diaper though! Funny story...I was giving her a bath the other morning and while I stuck my head out the door to check on Cailin, Cassidy stood up in the tub, then squatted back down in the water. I didn't really think anything of this behavior because she often likes to stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down...well all of a sudden I see a little "log" floating in the tub...You guessed it...Cassidy pooped in the tub. *sigh* I had to get her out of tub, gather all of her bath toys, scoop out the poo, disinfect the tub, disinfect the bath toys, and give Cassidy another bath. It was quite the morning! Phew!
Cailin had her 4 month well baby and she is 13 lbs. 12 oz. and 24 inches long. She is getting so big! Dr. says she is nice and healthy. He also said we can introduce rice cereal and other bland foods if we want. I am not sure we are quite ready for that yet, but we may give it a try and see how she does. Cailin started rolling over last Friday. She doesn't quite know what to do when she rolls onto her belly, but I am sure she will figure it out. She absolutely loves being in her exersaucer. She also loves to play with her feet and just decided they are good to chew on! She is silly.
All in is going pretty well. We will be going up north this weekend. It is suppose to be 90 degrees tomorow and 80+ this weekend. I hope it isn't too windy so we can enjoy the water.
Have a grateful day!