Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day! (and Spring)

I was under the impression that spring had arrived, but apparently I was wrong! It has been cold and rainy for the last few days. I do not like it (Cassidy doesn't like it either)! According to our our meteorologist this rain and cold is suppose to break...we shall see! Cassidy keeps gazing longingly out our window at her sandbox and swingset.

I just checked for our 10 day forecast and starting Friday we are suppose to be 80F for 4 days! WOOHOO! If that is even remotely correct it shall be a very lovely weekend! Yay for sun! I must remind myself to pick up some new kiddie sunscreen.

Life is going well here at Casa de Hart. Cassidy, Cailin, and I have started to use our local library more regularly. We had been going sporadically. The girls really enjoy it. The library has a really love children's wing, so we play and then check out books. Cassidy even has her own library card. She is very proud of herself when she gets to check out her own books. :-)

My father-in-law, Bill, just ran the Boston Marathon and finished 3:52:44! Go Bill! I only wish I had the motivation to run let along 26.2 miles! I was able to watch some of the race online, but of course they only show the elite runners...

Hmm...I think that is all on our front right now.

Happy Earth Day! Always remember to leave a place better then you found it!

I also came across this great site, check it out!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Pictures

Here are some pictures from our Easter! We hope you enjoyed a blessed day!
Cassidy & Cailin are ready to color eggs!

Coloring Eggs!

At Grandma & Grandad's after church. (enjoying from cinammon rolls & fruit)

Cailin and Great Grandma Magnus
Have a beautiful day!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! What a glorious day! We enjoyed a lovely, relaxing, and exciting day.

(Pictures to follow!)

Happy Easter to all!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Snakes and other happenings!

Yesterday morning Cassidy comes up to me and says, "Mama, there is a dead snake in the hallway." She says this in a very serious tone with a a very serious look on her face. I had just walked through the hallway and had not seen any dead snakes. I ask her to show it to me, so we walk through the kitchen into the hallway and she points to the floor. I look and see a very small dead worm. Yup...just a dead worm.

Me: "Cassidy that is a dead worm. It isn't a snake."
Cassidy: "It is a snake, Mama." (this is said in a very exasperated tone! How could I think it wasn't a snak?!)
Me: "I'll pick it up and throw it away."

So I reach down, pick up the worm, and Cassidy proceeds to start shrieking, "put down the snake!" I tell her again that it is a dead worm and then throw it in the garbage. She continues to look at me incredulously. I still don't think she agrees that it was a dead worm, and I don't think she thought I was Super Mom for picking it up. :-)

In other news...HOLY SNOW!?! I think Mother Nature missed the memo that Spring had Sprung! We enjoyed a few days of semi nice weather and then get slammed with bitter cold, windy, and snowy days. Seriously? I am over it! Bring on the sunshine!

Cassidy will be starting a new spring class called Spring into Art. She loves to color and draw, so I am hoping that she will enjoy this class. It starts on Thursday and it is lead by the same teacher that did her Movin' & Groovin' class.

Well...that is all for now! Happy Easter!