Monday, August 23, 2010


Cassidy was playing with Jake yesterday afternoon and he was laughing so hard. I didn't have my camera close by, so I missed some of it, but here is a little bit of them playing.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bavarian Belle

Today was an exciting day for Cassidy and Cailin. Our little town is blessed with many tourist attractions, one of which is the Bavarian Belle. She is a riverboat. Cassidy & Cailin are completely infatuated with the riverboat. Each time we drive through town they ask if we can drive over the bridge to see if the riverboat is at the dock. my two little ladies were able to take a ride on the Bavarian Belle. They were so excited. The sat in little child sized chairs, watched in awe as we passed under the wooden bridge, walked to the bow to see where we were going, and headed back to watch the paddle wheel spin 'round and 'round, and they fed the ducks.

What a great adventure for my loves.


I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance; to live so that which comes to me as seed goes to the next as blossom and that which comes to me as blossom, goes on as fruit.-Dawna Markova

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Picture Time!


***phhh...phew...blowing the dust of this very neglected blog of mine***

Hello there! We are back...both literally and figuratively. Our little family arrived home from our summer vacation to Gatlinburg, TN. It was a great time. However, I feel as though I should back up a little bit since this blog has been severely neglected!

Our last blog post announced the arrival of our little man. The last 5 months have been kind of a whirlwind. I have heard people say that going from none to one is the toughest adjustment...well I have to disagree...going from 2 to 3 is quite the adjustment. Lucas and I are now outnumbered. The kids and I have some semblance of a daily routine...I just have to remind myself to stay flexible.

Let's do a quick recap of the last few months...and then I will throw some pictures in.


We were busy...with the day to day life of three kids! We also prepared for the last few weeks of Cassidy's 3 year old preschool. I was trying hard to prepare her for summer and no school. She LOVES school and didn't really understand why we wouldn't have school for a few months. She had a few field trips and celebrated her birthday since she has a summer birthday. Our family went down to Harrison Twp., MI to celebrate my Grandma Shunk's 80th birthday. It was nice to seem my family, many of them I hadn't seen in quite some time. Over Memorial weekend we went camping, which was fun. Thankfully, Jake seems to enjoy the outdoors, so that went well. May also brought an end to our M.O.P.S. year. We look forward to it beginning again in September.

Cassidy's school year came to end. She had a fabulous time during 3 year old preschool. She adores her teacher, Mrs. Sievert. We spent her last day of school at the Wilderness Trails Zoo in Birch Run. It was a fun time. June also brought dinner with our dear friends Ryan & Tricia. C & C enjoyed adding their artistic touch to Tricia's driveway by way of sidewalk chalk. We had a terrific playdate with Zakary and Spencer, poor Jake had to get his first set up shots, and Cassidy started Vacation Bible School. We also went camping up at Higgins Lake where we participated in the 1st annual Higgins Lake Sunrise Run. It was a great weekend. I even squeezed in a great visit with my grandmother. Cassidy and Cailin also joined in the Summer Reading Program at the Wickson Library.

This month started off busy with preparations for the annual Volkslaufe festivities. The girls enjoyed the free bounce houses, a sphagetti dinner, and music. I decided to forgo the fireworks as they didn't start until 10pm and we had to be up quite early for the race the next day. The kids and I helped hand out water at an aid station. The girls thought that was pretty great. They would get very excited when one of the racers would take their water cup. After a bit we headed down to Heritage Park to participate in the 5k and 2k race. Jake and I were suppose to walk the 5k, but that didn't work as he decided he was going to throw a major tantrum. However, the kids participated in the 2k. Cassidy ran the entire way! Jake was pushed in the jogging stroller. Cameray and I ran with Cailin...which was possibly the longest 2k of my life. She was not too excited about the whole ordeal, but we made to the finish line. We headed home to nap and then headed out to the annual Hart BBQ and Bill & Janette's. The next evening (July 4) we enjoyed fireworks at Terry & Vickie's. Cassidy and Cailin really enjoyed them.

On August 6th Lucas and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary by driving to TN. It was really romantic. ;-) We arrived in Gatlinburg, headed to the Smoky Mountain Brewery, and then checked in to our cabin. Our trip to TN included a hike up Mt. Leconte to stay at the LeConte Lodge, tubing down a mountain stream, whitewater rafting, hiking Laurel Falls trail, hiking to Cataract Falls, a drive through Cades Cove, lots of bears, Greenbrier, and a day playing in a mountain stream. It was good trip. Here we are home now...reaquainting ourselves with our day to day routine. Lucas officially started soccer season, so he has been to practice each evening. The kids and I have been laying low. We did go to the park yesterday, which was fun. We ran into a few friends. Next week we will be celebrating Cassidy's 4th birthday (where did the time go?) and meeting with Cassidy's teacher for 4 year old preschool. Plans are in place to spend Labor Day weekend camping in Presque Isle...hopefully we have nice weather. This week has been cooler (high 70's to low 80's) which has made going outside very enjoyable.

Here's to a great end to our summer vacation and wonderful begining to our new school year!