Friday, January 14, 2011

Project Gratitude - Day 13

I am so grateful for the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group that I attend. Today was our first meeting of the new year, and I was happy to get back. This group has brought new friends, prayer, support, and laughter to my days. It is truly a blessing. I contemplated not joining MOPS this year because I thought it was going to be too much trying to get 3 kids ready to go in the morning, and because I was having a lot of emotions regarding my involvement with this group. I am so happy that I decided to enjoy all the benefts this group brings to my life.

It is also a blessing to Miss Cailin. She gets sooo excited when she gets to go to her MOPS play group while I am at the meeting/program. Jake could do with out going since he likes to be attached to me and has to stay in the nursery, however, I have to say that he did much better today. I am hopeful!

Today, I am thankful for the wonderful ministry of MOPS.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Project Gratitude - Day 12

I have to admit that these past days have been consuming. My heart breaks at the thought of the tragedy in Tucson, and yet I am disgusted that this tragic event has turned into a political circus. One victim is a Congresswoman, but the victims and their families need support and respect not politicians blaming each other. Tucson needs our prayers and support. We are sending our prayers.  

That being said, I have to express my gratitude for living in a small, close-knit community where violent crime is exceedingly rare. I know this may make me seem naive, I do know there is a harsh world that surrounds me, but I am so grateful that we live in a town where I feel safe to take my children to the park, walk down the street after dark, and leave my car unlocked in the driveway. We are certainly blessed by our little town.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Project Gratitude - Day 11

My little Sissy Lou, aka, Cailin Marie entered this world in a hurry. In fact, we were only at the hospital about 20 minutes when she was about excitement! Cailin is our little petite princess. She is so tiny yet she is a fireball. Cailin is sweet, kind, generous and loving. She also has a temper. She will get so mad and frustrated that she shakes her little fists and screams...really loud! Cailin loves to cuddle and she can be a mama's girl.

Cailin lights up our life. She is a wonderful little sister to Cassidy, and an equally wonderful big sister to Jake. I can't wait to watch this girl take on the world. I think she is going ot keep us on our toes!

I am grateful for my girl, Cailin. I am so humbled that God gave me two little girls.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Project Gratitude - Day 10


If you know me very well you know that I love to read. I love books. I love a variety of topics, never sticking to just one genre. Books provide an opportunity to learn, escape, laugh, or cry. I see all these ads for the various e-readers (Kindle, nook, etc) and I see the benefit in having one, but I have to say there is something about opening a book and smelling the "book" smell.

Today (and everyday), I am thankful for the ability to read. I am thankful for all the books that have passed through my hands and all the stories that fill my memories. I can't wait to share more of my favorites with my children as they grow.

Project Gratitude - Day 9

There is a woman that came into my life when I met and married Lucas. Her name is Shirley. She is Lucas' aunt. He grew up with her and Abe always around. He spent a lot of time with them growing up. Now, he works for them. We spend a lot of time with these two amazing people.

Today (and everyday), I am grateful to have a woman like Shirley in my life. She is a caring, hardworking, loving woman. She is always doing something and sometimes I wonder if she every truly takes a break! I have enjoyed many memories with Shirley over the last several years, but my favorite moments are watching her with my children, especially Cassidy and Cailin. They adore her and she adores them. It is like a match made in heaven. If we are over to Shirley's house, I am not very high on the list of important people! My girls will go to Shirley every time. If I am dropping them off, I rarely get more than a wave as they walk in and start on a project. It makes me so thankful that they have that sense of security with someone else. I am thankful that they will learn things from Shirley that I am not very good at (like making pies...she makes the BEST pies).

I can't recall how many times Shirley has come over and helped with a myriad of projects. She has helped me paint, decorate, clean, garden, etc. She is simply amazing.

I am so grateful for amazing women in my life. Today, I am especially grateful for Aunt Shirley.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Project Gratitude - Day 8

Cooking with my girls...both challenging and fun. Today we made a super simple snack. We made Ranch Oyster Crackers. Super simple to make with the girls, but still fun. Monday we made a cake for Cameray's birthday (that we didn't get to eat...) and that was fun too. At times I find my patience running thin when I cook with the girls, but I have to remind myself that they are only 4 and 2...there are bound to be accidents and messes. I have to remember that these are memories we are making and I hope my girls will look back and remember that we made messes!

I am grateful for time spent cooking with my girls.

Gratitude Project - Day 7

Miss Cassidy Jane entered our lives on August 26, 2006. Since that day we have been blessed by this amazing little girl. She is kind, tough, compassionate and sassy. Cassidy is the epitome of a first born. She is a wonderful big sister. She both melts my heart and challenges me in ways I never thought possible. I could never imagine my life without her hugs, kisses, and cuddles.

I have so many hopes for this beautiful girl. I hope she becomes confident in her faith. I hope she has a slew of adventures. I hope she travels all over this great big world. I hope she finds a passion for life that both excites and challenges her. Above all, I hope she knows how much she is loved and supported.

I am so grateful for my girl.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Project Gratitude - Day 6

We are back! We took a little vacation over to Canadian Lakes where we didn't have Wifi or cell service! I can't say that it was a bad thing! It was kind of nice being unplugged and out of touch. So here we are in the first days of 2011...Happy New Year!

I am grateful for new beginnings, fresh starts, new goals, and fresh perspectives. As we begin this year, 2011, (really?!) I am thinking of the things I wish to accomplish. I am working on a list (that I will share later) of my goals for this year.

Here is to a fresh start...a new year for new adventures for Team Hart!

Our blessings to you in the New Year!

We will be back to our regularly schedule programming!