Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday Season

Wow! I need to be better about updating this...sorry!

I cannot believe it is December 1st! This year has flown by with so many blessings and adventures. Since Halloween we have had some big developments in the Hart household.
First, we have decided to put an addition on our house that consists of a bedroom and bathroom. This will provide enough room to make our home much more comfortable. We currently have 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, which makes it a little crowded with 2 adults and 2 children. Adding this space will also give us a bit more room when we have people to visit, so that will be nice too! (Pictures will be posted soon!)
Secondly, our littlest pumpkin, Cailin, has started "walking." She takes, at most, 5 steps. Each day she is getting a little steadier and bit braver. She is certainly excited to be able to chase Cassidy around the house even though she is a fast crawler! Cailin is 10 months old and doing very well developmentally. She is a bit of a Mama's girl and she adores her big sister.

Finally, Cassidy is potty training...oh she isn't...wishful thinking! Cassidy has absolutely no desire to sit on the potty. I have tried stickers, encouragment, and we bought her a little seat that allows her to sit on the big potty...she doesn't care...*sigh* I will have to resign myself to the fact that she just isn't quite ready yet...let's hope that things will turn around in the next couple months! I am keeping my fingers crossed! :-)

In other happenings...Thanksgiving went well. We enjoyed a lovely meal at Shirley and Abe's house surrounded by family. This year we are especially thankful for our service men and women. Currently, Lucas' uncle Terry is serving in Iraq with the Army Corp of Engineers. Terry is actually in the Navy, but he is an engineer on loan to the Army. He is supervising rebuilding efforts, which include water treatment facilities, schools, and a prison. He will be returning to us right before Christmas and we cannot wait to see him! Also, my brother, Josh, is in the Air Force and will be deployed to Iraq in January. I am wishing him a safe journey and a safe and swift return to the states. In addition, Lucas' brother, Derek, will be deployed to Afghanistan next March. He was in Iraq for a year, '05-'06. Derek serves in the Army and works in Military Intelligence. We look forward to a time when our service people will be home without the thought of being deployed to these war torn areas. We pray that time will come sooner rather than later.

We wish you all a blessed holiday season.
*disclaimer: You may notice that Cailin has more of her own photos, well that happens because Cassidy has decided that she doesn't like to sit, stand, or be still very often...she is a mover!

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