Jake William arrived at 11:49am weighing 8lbs. and measuring 21 inches. He arrived with a very healthy set of lungs, which he demonstrated for quite some time after birth. We stayed in the hospital 24 hours and arrived home to some excited big sisters. They are very loving and Jake has become very tolerant of the millions of kisses he receives daily.
We have been acclimating to a new routine (if you could call it that!). Thankfully, Jake has been a good sleeper. I feel very fotunate that he has been sleeping for 4 hour chunks at night.
Lucas, Cassidy, Cailin, Jake, and I have enjoyed lots of help from family and friends. We have enjoyed delicious meals and desserts, which definitely helps make my day a little less stressful. On the days we didn't have meals, Lucas cooked or brought home take-out (we're flexible!). It has certainly been an interesting few weeks.
Last weekend we enjoyed a beautiful and blessed Easter. The kids looked darling in their outfits (provided by Grandma & Papa) and the weather couldn't have been better. Cassidy and Cailin had a ton of fun searching for eggs at Abe & Shirley's. We enjoyed a delicious meal and quality family time. It was a great day.
I hope you all enjoyed a blessed Easter and look forward to warmer weather and enjoying this Springtime!
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