Per usual, I have been neglectful of this blog. However, I am making the commitment to post something I am grateful for over the next 365 days. I have found myself focusing, selfishly, on the challenges life has presented me. So, taking this idea from a friend, I have decided to focus, intentionally, on the wonderful things I have been given.
I am humbled by the gifts God has bestowed upon me. I am blessed and I need to take the time and recognize some of the amazing gifts I am given. So here goes Day 1!
The first day is going to be all encompassing gratitude for my family. I am blessed with a terrific Mom & Dad, brother, and blessed even more by my extended family on both sides. I grew up with fabulous people surrounding me. I am so thankful I had the opportunity to grow up around both my maternal and paternal grandparents. I was able to develop unique relationships with them. I am forever grateful for their love and support.
These days I am grateful for the family I inherited when Lucas and I got married. I couldn't ask for better in-laws. The extended family that came with Lucas are terrific as well. Lucas and I are surrounded by wonderful people and we are truly blessed to have so many family members living nearby.
Finally, I am unbelievably grateful for my family. I am beyond blessed to have a terrific husband and 3 amazing children. I don't know what I did for the Lord to believe that I was capable of raising these 3 beautiful children, but I am grateful.
In the spirit of the season, Merry Christmas!