Monday, December 27, 2010

Project Gratitude - Day 5

Inspiration. I am thankful for inspiration that is found all around me, especially on those days when my patience is running thin. Inspiration from a Bible verse, book, or blog. Some days those little words are what keeps me from throwing up my hands to the chaos that often reigns.

A bit of inspiration for today:

I am just a regular girl.
A wife who loves her husband, but doesn’t always show it.
A mom who adores her babies, but runs out of patience.
A friend who cherishes her girls, but forgets to return calls.
A person so energized by being creative, but not without dry spells.
I am a homemaker who would rather rearrange furniture than dust it, repaint a bathroom than clean it, eat out than sit down and plan meals.
by: Emily

Found by way of Little Miss Momma and SAHM

Off to prepare for the annual Progressive Dinner - YAY for yummy food!

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