Monday, December 27, 2010

Project Gratitude - Day 5

Inspiration. I am thankful for inspiration that is found all around me, especially on those days when my patience is running thin. Inspiration from a Bible verse, book, or blog. Some days those little words are what keeps me from throwing up my hands to the chaos that often reigns.

A bit of inspiration for today:

I am just a regular girl.
A wife who loves her husband, but doesn’t always show it.
A mom who adores her babies, but runs out of patience.
A friend who cherishes her girls, but forgets to return calls.
A person so energized by being creative, but not without dry spells.
I am a homemaker who would rather rearrange furniture than dust it, repaint a bathroom than clean it, eat out than sit down and plan meals.
by: Emily

Found by way of Little Miss Momma and SAHM

Off to prepare for the annual Progressive Dinner - YAY for yummy food!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Pictures

Project Gratitude - Day 4

Today I am thankful for time. Time to spend with my 3 amazing children. Moments spent with my husband. Suprise visits from family. Planned visits with family. I am thankful for these moments.

We had a lazy day today. It was wonderful. We straightened up the house from all the coming and going the last few days, played some games of Uno, did puzzles, opened more presents, and had company. It was a great day. Tomorrow we will prepare for the annual Progressive Dinner and begin packing for our Canadian Lakes adventure.

I am looking forward to our week with family and friends!

Project Gratitude - Day 3

Today I am thankful for faith. For the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. I am thankful that we are able to celebrate Christmas with our family and friends. May you find blessings, peace, and love this holiday season.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Project Gratitude - Day 2

I am thankful for a warm and cozy home during this holiday season. The past few months have been a time of transition and, unfortunately, it seems we may stay in this state of transition for a longer time than originally anticipated.

We sold our home on Holland Rd. and immediately started searching for a new home. We were given a wonderful opportunity by my brother-in-law, Caleb. He was taking a new position in Tennessee and would need to do something with the home he had recently purchased. We needed a place to live until we found a new home, so to King Rd. we moved. We soon found a home that we LOVE, however, it was in the short sale stage so we knew we needed to get things rolling. We put in an offer, it was accepted by the sellers, then went on to the sellers bank to be accepted or denied. Then the waiting game started. Our realtor told us it could take 30-90 days to hear anything back from the bank, so we hunkered down at King Rd. and waited. and waited. and waited.

Thanksgiving was right around the corner when we heard that the For Sale sign was missing from the house. We were hopeful, but we knew that it could mean nothing. After several phone conversations, we determined that the house was going into foreclosure proceedings. Our offer became null and void, and now we needed to decide what we were going to do....we truly LOVE this house. It has all of the amenities we wanted and then some. We contacted the realtor that will be listing the home and we made another in offer. It has to go through all the hoopla of a foreclosure, but we are praying that our offer will be accepted and we will finally be able to start a new chapter in a home we plan to be in for quite some time.

So, I am thankful that the Lord provided us with a safe home during this time of change. I am thankful that we have most of our possessions with us so our children have transitioned fairly well. I pray that we receive happy news in the New Year.

Blessings to you and Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Project Gratitude - Day 1

Per usual, I have been neglectful of this blog. However, I am making the commitment to post something I am grateful for over the next 365 days. I have found myself focusing, selfishly, on the challenges life has presented me. So, taking this idea from a friend, I have decided to focus, intentionally, on the wonderful things I have been given.

I am humbled by the gifts God has bestowed upon me. I am blessed and I need to take the time and recognize some of the amazing gifts I am given. So here goes Day 1!

The first day is going to be all encompassing gratitude for my family. I am blessed with a terrific Mom & Dad, brother, and blessed even more by my extended family on both sides. I grew up with fabulous people surrounding me. I am so thankful I had the opportunity to grow up around both my maternal and paternal grandparents. I was able to develop unique relationships with them. I am forever grateful for their love and support.

These days I am grateful for the family  I inherited when Lucas and I got married. I couldn't ask for better in-laws. The extended family that came with Lucas are terrific as well. Lucas and I are surrounded by wonderful people and we are truly blessed to have so many family members living nearby.

Finally, I am unbelievably grateful for my family. I am beyond blessed to have a terrific husband and 3 amazing children. I don't know what I did for the Lord to believe that I was capable of raising these 3 beautiful children, but I am grateful.

In the spirit of the season, Merry Christmas!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What a week!

We have had a whirlwind of a week and it seems that it will be that way well into the weekend as we are moving this weekend! AHHHHHH! There is so much to be done. I feel as though I have been packing and packing....and yet our house still looks very lived in! (which is kind of frustrating!) Today, I took the day off from packing and hung out with the kiddos. It was nice to just be with them rather than trying to occupy them while I pack. In addition to all the moving and packing, Lucas had to go out of town Mondat thru Wednesday. This makes for very long days. It seems this time the kids ganged up on me by not sleeping well. Between the three of them I was up about every 2 hours each night. It was like having a newborn back in the house! :-) I am thankful that tomorrow morning I have M.O.P.S . It is a much needed time of fellowship (and good food!).

I am sure this weekend will be crazy busy and I hope that we are able to accomplish everything. Please keep up in your prayers that our move to our temporary house will go smoothly and that we will soon hear good news on the other house!

Monday, October 18, 2010

...and days go by...

This last month or so has been a whirlwind of changes...some good and some bad...

Cassidy started 4 year old preschool and she absolutely loves it. She attends 3 days/week (MWF) in the morning. She has a "best friend" and they are so excited to see each other on school mornings. Outside of school we have been having some behavior issues. I am kind of at my wits end with it. I have tried every method of discipline I am comfortable with and I just haven't had much success. Our biggest difficulty is listening/following directions. Somedays I just have to walk away from her and regroup...she definitely challenges me. Cassidy is the eptiome of a firstborn child. If you have ever read Dr. Kevin Lehman's The Birth Order book, you know what I am talking about! As a firstborn myself, I think that is why we have difficulties...I am praying that we will find a way to overcome this hurdle in a positive manner.

Cailin is Cailin...she runs the full range of emotions everyday. We go from happy, silly Cailin to Hurricane Cailin in full temper tantrum mode in a matter of minutes. This little girl loves to wear dresses, hates having her hair brushed, wants to be a big girl, loves to cuddle, and hates to go to bed. We have been enjoying our morning together. Jake tends to nap for a portion of the morning while Cassidy is at school, so that allows Cailin and I time to do some things together. She loves to help, so I am trying to be intentional in doing things that she can help me with during our mornings together.

Jake is a lovable, but challenging baby (at least for me)! He loves to cuddle with me and melts my heart with those big toothless grins. However, he is REALLY attached to me, which makes it difficult to (1) get things done, (2) spend time with the girls, and (3) go anywhere without him. I can't wait to see him grow, but I am really enjoying the baby time. Since he is probably our last child, I just want to soak up all these little moments with him.

I am excited to see my childen develop and grow. I can't wait to see all the adventures they will have, but I am definitely enjoying all these moments with them. I especially like the "kid's say the darndest things..." moments. We have had many of those over the last few months!

It seems that September brought a lot changes to our house. Sadly, my Grandmother lost her battle with breast cancer a month ago today. She battled breast cancer for 18 years. The last few months were brutal. I didn't know quite how bad they were until I went to visit her about 2 weeks before she died. Each time I called her prior to my visit, she always said she was fine...a little tired, but fine. Well, that was typical Grandma...she never wanted to burden us, but there are days that I wished she would have. That visit with her was shocking. She was so thin and weak. She was struggling to breath and could barely get out bed. The next week I went up to visit and she was hardly coherent. My breath caught when I walked into her room and saw how frail she broke my heart to hear her gasping for breath. It was almost a relief to get the phone call that she was finally resting in peace. There was so much pain and I was relieved that she was finally free of the pain that she had endured for 18 years. Some good as come of those days spent up north with the family. My aunt and I have developed a closer relationship. I am thankful for it. I hope it maintains as I can use as much support as I can get!

September also brought a bit of a surprise...we sold our house, which wasn't ever for sale! It is amazing how things work out. God was really watching out for us and presented a great opportunity. Our friend offered to purchase our house and we agreed. We were concerned about where we would live until we found a new home, but again He opened doors for us and others. Lucas' brother, Caleb, purchased a home last year in the area. However, he was offered a great job opportunity in Nashville, TN. Thus leaving his house available to us. We will be renting his house until we get a house. We put an offer in on a house that we are really excited about, but it is a short sale, so we are now waiting to hear if the sellers bank will accept our offer. We are praying that it goes through.

Now we are in the process of moving into Caleb's house as we finally have a closing date on our house. There is so much to do in the next couple weeks. I hope that we are able to stay sane during the next few weeks as we move and wait for news on our potential home.

For now...the days go by...and we try to enjoy the moments!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Cassidy was playing with Jake yesterday afternoon and he was laughing so hard. I didn't have my camera close by, so I missed some of it, but here is a little bit of them playing.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bavarian Belle

Today was an exciting day for Cassidy and Cailin. Our little town is blessed with many tourist attractions, one of which is the Bavarian Belle. She is a riverboat. Cassidy & Cailin are completely infatuated with the riverboat. Each time we drive through town they ask if we can drive over the bridge to see if the riverboat is at the dock. my two little ladies were able to take a ride on the Bavarian Belle. They were so excited. The sat in little child sized chairs, watched in awe as we passed under the wooden bridge, walked to the bow to see where we were going, and headed back to watch the paddle wheel spin 'round and 'round, and they fed the ducks.

What a great adventure for my loves.


I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance; to live so that which comes to me as seed goes to the next as blossom and that which comes to me as blossom, goes on as fruit.-Dawna Markova

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Picture Time!


***phhh...phew...blowing the dust of this very neglected blog of mine***

Hello there! We are back...both literally and figuratively. Our little family arrived home from our summer vacation to Gatlinburg, TN. It was a great time. However, I feel as though I should back up a little bit since this blog has been severely neglected!

Our last blog post announced the arrival of our little man. The last 5 months have been kind of a whirlwind. I have heard people say that going from none to one is the toughest adjustment...well I have to disagree...going from 2 to 3 is quite the adjustment. Lucas and I are now outnumbered. The kids and I have some semblance of a daily routine...I just have to remind myself to stay flexible.

Let's do a quick recap of the last few months...and then I will throw some pictures in.


We were busy...with the day to day life of three kids! We also prepared for the last few weeks of Cassidy's 3 year old preschool. I was trying hard to prepare her for summer and no school. She LOVES school and didn't really understand why we wouldn't have school for a few months. She had a few field trips and celebrated her birthday since she has a summer birthday. Our family went down to Harrison Twp., MI to celebrate my Grandma Shunk's 80th birthday. It was nice to seem my family, many of them I hadn't seen in quite some time. Over Memorial weekend we went camping, which was fun. Thankfully, Jake seems to enjoy the outdoors, so that went well. May also brought an end to our M.O.P.S. year. We look forward to it beginning again in September.

Cassidy's school year came to end. She had a fabulous time during 3 year old preschool. She adores her teacher, Mrs. Sievert. We spent her last day of school at the Wilderness Trails Zoo in Birch Run. It was a fun time. June also brought dinner with our dear friends Ryan & Tricia. C & C enjoyed adding their artistic touch to Tricia's driveway by way of sidewalk chalk. We had a terrific playdate with Zakary and Spencer, poor Jake had to get his first set up shots, and Cassidy started Vacation Bible School. We also went camping up at Higgins Lake where we participated in the 1st annual Higgins Lake Sunrise Run. It was a great weekend. I even squeezed in a great visit with my grandmother. Cassidy and Cailin also joined in the Summer Reading Program at the Wickson Library.

This month started off busy with preparations for the annual Volkslaufe festivities. The girls enjoyed the free bounce houses, a sphagetti dinner, and music. I decided to forgo the fireworks as they didn't start until 10pm and we had to be up quite early for the race the next day. The kids and I helped hand out water at an aid station. The girls thought that was pretty great. They would get very excited when one of the racers would take their water cup. After a bit we headed down to Heritage Park to participate in the 5k and 2k race. Jake and I were suppose to walk the 5k, but that didn't work as he decided he was going to throw a major tantrum. However, the kids participated in the 2k. Cassidy ran the entire way! Jake was pushed in the jogging stroller. Cameray and I ran with Cailin...which was possibly the longest 2k of my life. She was not too excited about the whole ordeal, but we made to the finish line. We headed home to nap and then headed out to the annual Hart BBQ and Bill & Janette's. The next evening (July 4) we enjoyed fireworks at Terry & Vickie's. Cassidy and Cailin really enjoyed them.

On August 6th Lucas and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary by driving to TN. It was really romantic. ;-) We arrived in Gatlinburg, headed to the Smoky Mountain Brewery, and then checked in to our cabin. Our trip to TN included a hike up Mt. Leconte to stay at the LeConte Lodge, tubing down a mountain stream, whitewater rafting, hiking Laurel Falls trail, hiking to Cataract Falls, a drive through Cades Cove, lots of bears, Greenbrier, and a day playing in a mountain stream. It was good trip. Here we are home now...reaquainting ourselves with our day to day routine. Lucas officially started soccer season, so he has been to practice each evening. The kids and I have been laying low. We did go to the park yesterday, which was fun. We ran into a few friends. Next week we will be celebrating Cassidy's 4th birthday (where did the time go?) and meeting with Cassidy's teacher for 4 year old preschool. Plans are in place to spend Labor Day weekend camping in Presque Isle...hopefully we have nice weather. This week has been cooler (high 70's to low 80's) which has made going outside very enjoyable.

Here's to a great end to our summer vacation and wonderful begining to our new school year!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

and just few days later...

Just two days after the last blog post we welcomed our little man into the world. I awoke at 4:30am with some contractions that were pretty mild and several minutes apart. We called the hospital per the instructions from my midwife. I had a rapid delivery with Cailin and we did not want to repeat the rushed arrival to the hospital. Dr. Spence advised us to head to the hospital, so we called Bill & Janette, packed up our bags, and headed out when they arrived.

Jake William arrived at 11:49am weighing 8lbs. and measuring 21 inches. He arrived with a very healthy set of lungs, which he demonstrated for quite some time after birth. We stayed in the hospital 24 hours and arrived home to some excited big sisters. They are very loving and Jake has become very tolerant of the millions of kisses he receives daily.

We have been acclimating to a new routine (if you could call it that!). Thankfully, Jake has been a good sleeper. I feel very fotunate that he has been sleeping for 4 hour chunks at night.

Lucas, Cassidy, Cailin, Jake, and I have enjoyed lots of help from family and friends. We have enjoyed delicious meals and desserts, which definitely helps make my day a little less stressful. On the days we didn't have meals, Lucas cooked or brought home take-out (we're flexible!). It has certainly been an interesting few weeks.

Last weekend we enjoyed a beautiful and blessed Easter. The kids looked darling in their outfits (provided by Grandma & Papa) and the weather couldn't have been better. Cassidy and Cailin had a ton of fun searching for eggs at Abe & Shirley's. We enjoyed a delicious meal and quality family time. It was a great day.

I hope you all enjoyed a blessed Easter and look forward to warmer weather and enjoying this Springtime!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So,'s March...

I really didn't forget about this blog...although it may seem as though I have. I have, however, been very neglectful of it...and I apologize. Life has been crazy...isn't it always?!

I guess a recap of the last couple months is in order.


We enjoyed a wonderful holiday season. We are truly blessed in our families. Cassidy and Cailin loved all the Christmas decorations, songs, and festivities. It was kind of exciting to experience it with them. This is really the first Christmas they really got into all that Christmas has to offer. Although I think living in Frankenmuth may be a little confusing because there are decorations up year round...we drive past Bronner's and they get really excited about seeing Santa and snowmen.

Cailin turned 2! Our little lady is really growing up. She is still petite, but she is a handful. She definitely has a mind of her own. January was also a month of anticipation as we waited to hear when Lucas' brother, Derek, would be coming home from Afghanistan. After much delay we learned that he would be home in mid-February. We all breathed a sigh of relief knowing that he would be back on home soil soon. This month also brought a trip to the Mid-Michigan Children's Museum. We are very thankful for a yearly membership that was so generously given to us. The girls love to go to the museum. We had a fun time with Cameray and Aunt Vickie. Then awhile later we were able to enjoy a trip with Aunt Shirley. It is so nice to get Cassidy and Cailin out of the house to enjoy such a fantastic facility.

February: Derek came home! Yay! We were all very excited to hear that he had landed safely on U.S. soil. Great news! February was a month of contradictions emotionally. We were very thankful that Derek came home safely, but were saddened by the death of Lucas' grandmother. She was an amazing woman and she will be greatly missed. This month was also filled with Lucas traveling for work which created a little stress because I am very pregnant! We are blessed to have lots of family nearby that could lend a hand while he was away. Thankfully, he won't have to travel too much in the coming months.

March: This month definitely came in like a lamb as far as weather. We have enjoyed absolutely beautiful days of sun and nearly 50 degrees. This is a welcome change from the cold and dreary weather we had been experiencing. However, I get the feeling we will experience one more spell of cold, wintry weather. We do live in Michigan after all. We are also waiting for our little man to make is appearance. My official due date is March 17th and I would be totally fine with him coming sooner rather than later. Pregnancy has lost its novelty...although I am not sure I am totally prepared to be a mother of 3 children. We are going to have our hands full...not that we don't already!

That is a quick recap of the last few months. I hope to be better about updating once this little one makes his appearance. Cassidy and Cailin are excited about the new baby and ask everyday "when that baby is going to come out of me."

A few pictures...

Happy 2nd Birthday Cailin!
Cassidy & Cameray "driving" at the children's museum.
Aunt Vickie and Cailin checking out the fish!
Cailin doctoring the baby at the children's museum.
Cassidy "farming" at the children's museum.
Cailin playing in the ball pit and driving a racecar!