Sunday, September 28, 2008

Doors and other things...

Mom of the Year moment: Yesterday, the girls and I were at home and I stepped out onto the back porch. I went out to fill up the dogs water. While I am waiting for the bucket to fill I hear the back door shut. No big deal, Cassidy had this thing about making sure all doors are shut. I finish with the water and go to the door, turn the knob, and can't get the door open...yep...Cassidy locked me out of the house. Now, if you are familiar with Cassidy you know that she likes to be outside. We live on a very busy road, so I have to keep the doors locked/deadbolted at all times so she doesn't get out when she is not suppose to. Well she apparently learned how to lock the deadbolt. So I look through the window of the door and see Cassidy looking at me. I say through the door, "Cassidy please open the door for Mama." She responds, "No, mama!" This goes on for about 30 seconds. Since it doesn't look like she is going to open the door I start thinking about how I am going to get into the house. I will a.) convince Cassidy to open the door, or b.) have to break into the house with as minimal damage as possible. So, I finally get the screen popped out of Cassidy's room and cram myself awkwardly through the window. To make matters worse, the entire time this is going on I can hear Cailin screaming because she is stuck in her high chair...yep...great day!
Apparently our high chair has magical powers of sleep!

Overall, things are going pretty well here in F-muth. Lucas is wrapping up soccer. He has two weeks left. He and Caleb are pretty excited about that...they enjoy coaching, but it makes for a long September. The girls and I have been busy. We joined a Wednesday morning bible study. I get to enjoy some time with other Moms and the girls get to play with other kids. It is a win-win situation. We also had our second MOPS/MOPPETS and it was quite fun. I enjoyed a lovely speaker about the adventures of motherhood. Cassidy and Cailin enjoyed some more kiddie time.

This weekend Lucas' friend got married and he stood up in the wedding. Unfortunately, children were not invited and family members were unavailable to babysit, so I stayed home with the girls. We had a nice Friday and Saturday. Friday we hit up a garage sale and scored big on winter pajamas. Then we visited with Abe and Shirley and got to hear about their trip to Portugal. (It was great!) Then Abe was kind enough to make us some delicious spaghetti. I took the girls home, gave them baths, read a few books, and put them to bed (only Cassidy wouldn't go to bed...that is entirely different story.) Yesterday (Saturday) we played outside and a did a little fall decorating. It was a beautiful day!

Cassidy in her jammies watching out the window.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

8 months

Cailin Marie Hart was born 8 months ago today. It is amazing how much she has grown and changed in such a short time period. Recently, she has started pulling herself up to the furniture. She is also really crawling now. For awhile she just slide herself across the wood floor.

She fell asleep while chomping on zwieback toast (she is teething).

Up on all fours waiting to get into the bath.

For the most part she is a happy baby, but she doesn't like to sleep which doesn't always make for a happy mama! She loves to watch her sister in action, cuddle, and play in the water. I think bath time is her favorite.

I want the camera!

Here is a look at our 8 month old baby girl!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


September is here, so that means it is soccer time in the Hart household. Lucas is coaching Frankenmuth JV boys again this year. Soccer started in August, but the season officially got busy starting in September with a couple games during the week and two weekend tournaments. This means the girls and I don't see much of Lucas but the season is over in early October...not too much longer.

Nothing too exciting on the homefront. I am just enjoying spending time with the girls. They are growing by leaps and bounds. I can't get over how these two little girls we have been given. Cassidy is talking in beginning sentences and repeats everything you say...we have to be careful of how we speak! Cailin is getting so strong. She can walk herself in the walker, and she has started pulling herself up to the furniture. Last night she pulled herself up inside her crib and was so proud of herself! They are really starting to play together. Well...Cailin watches and chews on toys while Cassidy tries to play with the toys.

I have joined the local MOPS program ( The girls go with me and participate in MOPPETS (supervised play groups). We have only attended the first meeting, but I think this will be a very positive experience for us. We are also looking into joining the Mothers In Touch bible study which is on Wedneday mornings. The girls would be able to have play group that day as well. I am acting as co-leader to a Junior Girl Scout troop again this year. We have an exciting year planned. We had ou first official meeting last night and it went very well.

Here are a few pictures. Enjoy!

Cassidy colored her face with permanent marker! Playing with the dollhouse.

Cailin "Walking" in her walker...with some help from Cassidy!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Presque Isle - Labor Day

What a weekend! We had a great adventure. Friday evening we packed up the Tahoe, loaded up the camper and headed 3 hours north to beautiful Presque Isle. We arrived at the campground around 9:30pm, met up with Lucas' parents, and set up our camper. We let Cassidy run around a bit. She had slept a portion of the trip, so she was pretty wound up once we arrived. We enjoyed a campfire for a bit and headed to bed.

Saturday morning, Janette made breakfast. It was delicious. (I think everything must taste better when you make it over a fire or on a camp stove!) Then we headed out on the bikes. We went to the Old and New Presque Isle Lighthouses. While we were at the New Presque Isle lighthouse, we saw they were advertising a free-will donation picnic, so we decided to have lunch before we biked back to the campground. It was a lovely picnic lunch of hot dogs or brats, potato salad, baked beans, lemonade and brownies. It was quite nice! I think Cassidy's favorite part was the swingset. We couldn't get her off the swings. After our picnic, we biked back to the campground, packed up a bag, and headed to the beach at Grand Lake. We enjoyed a lovely afternoon at the beach. The girls both went swimming and Cassidy played in the sand. After a lovely afternoon at the beach, we headed back to the campground, got cleaned up, took Cassidy to the playground, and got dinner together. After dinner we relaxed by the fire and enjoyed the beautiful starry night.

Sunday morning we had breakfast with Abe and Shirley aboard the Loon-A-Sea. Shirley made a delicious breakfast which included sausage gravy and biscuits (my favorite!). After breakfast, Lucas and I took Cassidy and Cailin back to Grand Lake while Bill and Janette went canoeing on Lake Esau. After canoeing, they joined us at the beach for lunch and relaxation. We enjoyed another perfect day at the beach. Afterward, we headed back to the campground. We enjoyed another biking adventure (with ice cream), and then made foil dinners. After dinner we relaxed by the campfire and enjoyed another starry night. Cailin wasn't sleeping well, so I sat with her by the fire and we saw a shooting star. What a way to complete our beautiful weekend!

It was a wonderful end to our we are planning our fall camping trips!