Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane...

Cailin and I are flying to Savannah, GA tomorrow evening. I am pretty excited. My uncle is retiring from the Marine Corp after 30+ years...so it's a pretty big deal! We will be there May 20-May25. While we are gone, Cassidy is going camping with Grandma, Grandad, and Daddy! She is super excited.

Now, I am off to pack, clean, pack, and clean some more!

Splish, Splash

Yay for Splash Village! As an end of the year hurrah for MOPS, our morning MOPS went to Splash Village with our families. It was so much fun! I was little worried about how well the girls would do because it is quite loud in there. Well, I was pleasantly surprised. The girls rocked! Cassidy even went down the largest water slide with Lucas! He put a life jacket on her and sat her on his lap. He said she giggled the entire way down the slide. She is a champ. Cailin even went down a water slide with me. She thought that was great too. They both enjoyed the zero depth pool. I don't think Cassidy stopped moving for 2+ hours. They were quite tired when we left. What a fun afternoon!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Garage Sale

It's definitely Spring as more and more garage sales are being advertised, and I see them often as I drive around F'muth. In fact, I have been preparing for a garage sale. Lucas' family and I are hosting a garage sale this weekend. I have been decluttering and creating pile after pile of stuff to be rid of...which led to the last two days. The girls and I have spent the last two days setting up for a garage sale at Lucas' aunt Shirley's house. The four families participating have so much stuff that we actually had to set up the sale in the pole barn...yup...the pole barn...I think we are all secretly hoarders!

Hopefully, we will have a good turn out so we can get rid of this stuff. The extra money I make will go for the trip to Georgia for Uncle Bob's retirement party. I will be spending 4 days in Savannah! I am super excited. Cailin will be going with me, which should be some nice Mama and Cailin time. Cassidy will get lots of Daddy/Daughter time with Lucas which is good too.

I am off to enjoy some down time. The girls fell asleep super early, which means they will get up super early...I am off to relax and then to bed.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Tow Trucks & Mud

Surely there is never a dull moment in the Hart Household...just last night I had a tow truck in my front yard. Why? Hmmm...let's start with the fact that it has rained everyday for almost the last week, so our ground is saturated...in fact I have a nice pond (or as Cassidy calls it "the pool")in my backyard right now...anyone care to go swimming?! Did I mention the ground is saturated?! Squishy definitely.

Next, let's mention that Lucas is gone for a golfing weekend with some buddies. They took our camper over to Canadian Lakes to golf at St. Ives and Tullymore. Then they are golfing somewhere on the way home, but I digress...

So, last night Lucas is trying to get things around for Golf Weekend, including the camper which is generally "stored" in our side yard. Did I mention the ground was saturated?! Lucas drove his Tahoe, well, attempted to drive his Tahoe in the side yard to hook up the camper, and, well....got stuck...now, one would think it would be a good idea to get out of the vehicle and take a look. Lucas decided that if he just tried to go faster then he could get out of the ruts he created and get to the camper. This didn't work and the vehicle sunk into the ground, covering his tires. Meanwhile, I am oblivious to all of this happening because I was putting the girls to bed...it was about 9pm. I come out of the girls room, look out the front window, and see a tow truck sitting in my front yard. Interesting.

I walk outside and Lucas proceeds to tell me what happened. Abe & Shirley come over. Abe takes the four wheeler, hooks the camper to it, and gets the camper to the driveway. The tow guys (while chuckling to themselves) get Lucas Tahoe out of the mud. They leave. Lucas has to take my small garden shovel and get all of the mud out of the tire rims. The camper is finally hooked up and ready to go...it is 10pm...he started at 8.

Needless to say, it was an interesting evening.