Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I can't believe...

...that today is December 1st. Where did the time go?
...that we are starting to get healthy (FINALLY!). I have had it with sick kids!
...that we don't have snow (although I am not in a big hurry for it!)
...that the holiday festivities start Saturday with the Shunk Family Christmas Extravaganza.
...that Cailin is almost 2 years old. My little petite princess is growing up too fast.
...that Cassidy is halfway through her first year of preschool! What?!
...that I won't see my parents for Christmas this year, but I enjoyed a visit with them right before Thanksgiving. Thankful!

I am off to work on Christmas decorations and read a book with Cassidy. Cailin is napping peacefully (thankfully!).

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