Thursday, October 21, 2010

What a week!

We have had a whirlwind of a week and it seems that it will be that way well into the weekend as we are moving this weekend! AHHHHHH! There is so much to be done. I feel as though I have been packing and packing....and yet our house still looks very lived in! (which is kind of frustrating!) Today, I took the day off from packing and hung out with the kiddos. It was nice to just be with them rather than trying to occupy them while I pack. In addition to all the moving and packing, Lucas had to go out of town Mondat thru Wednesday. This makes for very long days. It seems this time the kids ganged up on me by not sleeping well. Between the three of them I was up about every 2 hours each night. It was like having a newborn back in the house! :-) I am thankful that tomorrow morning I have M.O.P.S . It is a much needed time of fellowship (and good food!).

I am sure this weekend will be crazy busy and I hope that we are able to accomplish everything. Please keep up in your prayers that our move to our temporary house will go smoothly and that we will soon hear good news on the other house!

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