Monday, April 21, 2008

What a Weekend!

We had a wonderful weekend! Friday night we enjoyed a picnic at the park with our little friend Ryan Schroeder. Cassidy loved running around with her buddy Ryan. They ran up and down a huge hill half a dozen times! We also took our dog, Sadie, to the Hund Platz (dog park). She seemed to enjoy the new surroundings and Cassidy had fun going through the agility course with Sadie. Cassidy showed Sadie how to go through the was fun to watch the interaction. We also met two new dogs, a Pugle named Stanley and a Rot named Diesel. They were both lovely dogs and Cassidy and Ryan enjoyed running around with them. After our evening at the park we came home and Cassidy crashed! She was so tired from all that running!

Saturday we worked on the house. We are really trying to have it ready to sell. The sign is out front and we are keeping our fingers crossed we will find a buyer. Lucas worked on cleaning out the garage and taking things to Goodwill. I worked on the inside and took care of the girls. Cassidy and I cleaned her room and sorted through her clothes while Cailin played in her Leap Frog chair and watched us. The girls and I went outside and we enjoyed a bratwurst lunch with Mom & Dad Hart, Abe, and Shirley. Cassidy and Cailin enjoyed being outside in the sunny, almost 80 degree weather.

Sunday morning we spent more time outside. We went to Mom & Dad Hart's for a chicken barbeque. It was a nice, peaceful afternoon. After our visit we went grocery shopping which is always an adventure with the girls! Finally, we had a restful, quiet evening.

Unfortunately, this week I have to take the girls for their vaccinations. I am definitely not looking forward to this...hopefully it won't be too tramatic for any of us.

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